1. Your credit card number is encrypted and used only in the purchase process and is not, in any way, saved in any file after the transaction.
2. The store and products are dynamically updated. During your purchase, the product may run out or have its price changed without prior notice. We will always consider the price stated in the cart.
3. If any offer, due to a material error, contains values ​​that are manifestly reduced in relation to the value of the goods, Pistacchio Home will not be obliged to honor the values ​​​​or conditions announced, given that the principle of good faith will not have been obeyed.
4. If the product runs out of stock during your purchase, you will receive a notification during the process. Once the order is completed and the order number generated, the purchase has been successfully completed and the product will be reserved for your order.
5. Promotions in which discounts are granted on the purchase price do not imply a discount on the shipping cost.
6. Promotions and discounts are valid for purchases made from the announcement of the promotion, under the specified terms (start and end date, or while stocks last). The discount offered in promotions cannot be used to settle payments for exchanges or old open orders.
7. It is allowed to use only 1 discount coupon for each order, not being cumulative with other coupons. For questions or suggestions regarding our privacy policy, please contact:
Phone: 11 99730 4348
Email: [email protected]
Address: Dr. Brasílio Machado St, 29 - Santa Cecília - Sao Paulo, SP - zipcode 01230-010
We always want to guarantee your security and privacy.